Well, really yesterday, but who’s counting?
I listened to one of my favorite podcasts, The Tim Ferriss Show. He interviewed Seth Godin back in February 2016 and here are my take aways. I’m trying to play catch-up with Tim’s shows… so many and so great.
Thanks Seth
- Don’t be obedient.
- Be a leader.
- Read, or rather listen to these audio books: Zig Ziglar‘s How To Stay Motivated, War of Art, just to name a few.
- I need to read more of Seth’s books.
- Send more thank you notes. I love thank you notes and staying in touch through letters rather than text, but it’s something I can do more of.
- You are more powerful than you think you are.
- Write ever day. Well, I stopped writing on my own blog for a long time. Having left a few things, like Italy and my husband, but also my busy new life in Oregon which has been fulfilling and much needed.
I’m learning to take a few morsels from each podcast, if not, I get COS. Content Overload Syndrome. Ya, I should write a post about that one day.
Until tomorrow?